She loves the stuff and has no hesitation eating it off the floor. It's been proven as a law of nature that any time you retrieve ice from the freezer a cube or two will escape and make a run for the next county. It happens EVERY TIME. And now when that distinctive thwick of ice hitting the kitchen floor sounds out through the house, Emmie comes crawling in like a mad demon-baby to grab it. It's worse than the dogs rousing to the sound of a can opener.

Oh shut up. You know you let your kid eat stuff off the floor too. Uh, you DO let your kid eat stuff off the floor, right?
That's the point of the 3-second rule, right? Although at our house it's more like the 25-second rule, depending on when the floor was last swept. If it's been mopped? Go for it kid! Have lunch down there if you want!!
Absolutely! Floor, ground, sandbox... Well, maybe not the sandbox. All I know is that I don't freak out if my baby's face is covered in snot, sweat and sand.
Ice is great for teethers and the clean up is waaaay easier than bananas!
Is it bad when you purposely PUT the food on the kitchen floor in hopes of keeping your 13 month old occupied for just a few minutes while you attempt to regain some composure and sanity? I hope not....
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